IT TAKES TWO to make a thing go right

Bruno Gambone, Oggetto, 1970, 99 x 240 x 16 cm, acrylic on canvas © Amir shariat

Baumgasse 42/7

Baumgasse 42/7, 1030 Wien


Mittwoch bis Freitag 17 bis 19 Uhr


Eröffnung: 14. September 2018, 18 bis 21 Uhr

Bruno Gambone (b. 1936) trained as ceramicist akin to his late father, the maestro ceramicist Guido Gambone, and Lucio Fontana. Bruno had learned the art of shaping ceramics but initially devoted his practice to making shaped canvases, alongside the Zero Group movement and his close friend Paolo Scheggi. Sadly one by one those artists closest to him passed away: in 1968 Lucio, 1969 Guido and finally in 1971 Paolo. Gambone decided to break with his association as a painter and to re-explore the world of ceramics. And his magnificent, architectural, monochrome shaped canvases lay uncelebrated ever since.

Dana Fiona Armour is a young artist of Scottish and German decent based at Beaux-Arts in Paris. She is currently completing her degree under the supervision of Ann Veronica Janssens. Dana devised her own monochrome shaped canvases made of latex. The works are a one for one representation of her body's surface and her usage of material is reminiscent of Italian artists' approach half a century earlier.

The title of the show celebrates the 30th anniversary of the release of a famous 1988 rap song by Rob Base & DJ E-Z Rock:

I wanna rock right now

I'm Rob Base and I came to get down

I'm not internationally known But

I'm known to rock the microphone

Curated by Amir Shariat


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