Chin Tsao bei White Dwarf Projects

Chin Tsao, Cowrieboys, Ceramic, 2020, Ausstellungsansicht, White Dwarf Projects, Wien (detail)

White Dwarfs Projects

Seidlgasse 14, 1030 Wien

KünstlerInnen: Chin Tsao

Titel: WDM#14 W A S S E R M A N N with Chin Tsao

Datum: 8. Februar 2020 bis 8. März 2020

Fotografie: Courtesy White Dwarf Projects

Notiz: Organisiert von Lena Sieder-Semlitsch.


Where are the forgotten kids? They were collecting cowrie shells, the currency was called porcellana in old Italian. It’s never odd to think that sea snails are materialistic fortune and the fetish of possession can go so far until they themselves have become cowries slowly. They lost their limbs and creeped on the rocky surface. The exercise of evolution seems like a punishment of humanity. One can’t recognise their inhuman bodies as if it's another world, another life, another politics or another production.

“...this is the price at which you eat sugar in Europe...”, the dialogue in chapter 19 of “Candide” (Voltaire, 1759) haunt our optimism, while we expand the empire at which the sun never set.

For the fourteenth issue of The White Dwarf Magazine Chin Tsao juxtaposes & samples her collections of literature & images. It reflects the uncanny relationship between personal expression and generated memories. She developed her calligraphy from school corporal punishment, a physical process of copy-pasting the narrative of establishment.

The White Dwarf Magazine is part of the exhibition series The White Dwarf Magazine in the White Dwarf Projects, Seidlgasse 14, 1030 Vienna, organized by Lena Sieder-Semlitsch.