Stadtgalerie Lehen

Inge Morath Platz 31, 5020 Salzburg


Di | Do | Fr 14 - 18 Uhr
Mi 14 - 19 Uhr
Sa 11 - 15 Uhr
Vormittags nach telefonischer Absprache


Eat more vegetables! Wash your hands!

Helping each other, discussing ideas, maybe developing a collective practice or working individually as well as preparing food and maintaining everyday life in the quarry are common ground.

Analogous to what they are aiming for in their course in the Untersberg quarry within the International Summeracademy Salzburg, Cäcilia Brown, Anna Hofbauer and Mikkel Holm Torp will approach the exhibition at Stadtgalerie Lehen in a “surf and turf” way of collaboration and combination - of rocks and waves


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