Gruppenausstellung bei Sophie Tappeiner, Wien

Jala Wahid, Born from and Buried in Baba Gurgur, 2018 (detail)

Sophie Tappeiner

An der Hülben 3, 1010 Wien

KünstlerIn: Leda Bourgogne, Jesse Darling, Kerstin von Gabain, Sophie Jung, Maria Lassnig, Alina Szapocznikow, Jala Wahid

Titel:  Being Towards the World

Datum:  30. März - 4. Mai 2019

Fotografie: Courtesy the artists and Sophie Tappeiner, Vienna | Foto:


 Being Towards the World

with this organic trauma and this visceral joy.

The body senses world and saves world.

Its experiences make up the complex structure of the selves

we use to negotiate life.

Bodies, unruly, defiant and fractured, insistently plastic and

stubbornly present, carry forth their memories in

unpredictable ways.

This vessel of present identities and past becomings

is moved

by what has occured to it while itself occuring onto others.

 My body

Writes into your flesh

The poem

You make of me. (1)

1 Audre Lorde